Tuesday, March 6, 2012


So many of the Homeschool Blogs I follow have really incredible areas set up for the kids. Some have entire classrooms, or corners with posters and desks and computers. I did try to have a space like this for my child with a desk and dollar tree posters. It didn't work out. She did not want to work there :(

So... we are back to what we had before that. A desk near the printer for computer work and a couple loaded bookshelves in our home library.

We do most of our work at the kitchen table next to our white board and world map.

Is it ideal? No, of course not.

Do I go through moments of guilt? Yes, occasionally.

Do I think it's effecting her education? NOPE. If it's changing anything, it's that the kids I watch are soaking up more advanced learning by listening to and watching what she is doing.

So, while it's not what I would like it to be... It works :) and if it's not broke, why fix it?


  1. Good for you! Who says those other ways are even the right way? Don't feel guilty! Gotta do what works for you! Quite frankly I find it funny when parents pull their kids out of school and then spend so much time and effort making their home look like one! Ha!

    Thanks for leaving such a nice comment on my blog today!

    The Lazy Mom wuz here. ;)

  2. Don't feel bad! Hannah has been known to do school on the couch, floor in the living room, the living room table and even on my bed. No reason why they have to have a table and make it look like school at home.
