Sunday, September 4, 2011

Bibliophile School

Well world, we have taken the leap!

What kind of leap can people like us take? We already have a room full of books. We are on a first name basis with many of our librarians and it is not unheard of for us to go to 3 different libraries in one day. To top it off, by 3 years old Gwen would gladly spend 4+ hours in Barnes and Noble with me. All in all we seem to have leaped already, but now we have discovered...


Sonlight is a homeschool curriculum based almost entirely on reading. It's like homeschool heaven for us! History, Geography, Language Arts, and Science all through reading, reading and more reading. Oh... and some map work and experiments as well. I'm not sure Gwen quite knows what I'm getting her into yet, but she has already started her independent reading books and I was shocked to see that she started with one of the thickest books. Mustang Wild Spirit of the West by Marguerite Henry reaches 223 pages. I am quite certain I will have to add some more of Henry's books once Gwen devours the ones on the curriculum list.

We will keep you posted!


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