Sunday, September 11, 2011

We Love Our Library!

Fridays have been our library day for a few months now and it's one of our favorite days of the week. During the summer Gwen and the two boys that I had five days a week each had their own bag to carry their library books in which made them feel more responsibility for the books they were checking out. It was a little hectic during checkout because the books all had to come out of their bags and back in without getting mixed up, but I felt it was worth it. Especially since one of the boys was starting Kindergarten this year and would be expected to be responsible for his own library books.

They also had a summer reading program that included smaller kids that can't read independently yet, which was really awesome. They each got a bag, a coloring page, and a log in name on the library website. If they met the reading requirements, each week they received a coupon. There was one for a free donut at Dunkin Donuts and free apple slices at McDonald's, but the best of all was the free kids meal at Applebees. It wasn't one free kids meal per adult meal either, because they outnumbered me 3-1! I thought that was really awesome of applebees to do that.

Anyway, This past Friday we made it to the library in time for story time and because I only watch a few kids at a time I like taking them to things like that so they can interact with kids they don't know. Our children's librarian does a fabulous job and we had a lot of fun dancing and listening to a story about grandparents.

Gwen had just found a Patricia Polocco book that we don't own called For the Love Of Autumn and she read it the whole time. The librarian helped her order some Pony Tails books that she was looking for and suggested Pony-Crazed Princess books that she could read while she waits for them.

It was a great trip and a wonderful experience for Gwen to work with the librarian without me hovering. I was busy with four preschoolers in the kids area!

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