Thursday, September 8, 2011

Hello Art Museum

When Gwen was about two I read somewhere about taking your toddlers to the art museum being super-duper good for them. So of course I took her because that's what the article said to do. She did love it, BUT a toddler in an art museum is like a rhino in a china shop. I was constantly redirecting and we were both completely exhausted at the end of an hour.

Needless to say, we did not go back until this weekend. A seven year old is much more manageable! We had studied Jackson Pollock in August and we found not one, not two, but three of his pieces. Gwen was not impressed by all the naked people though! LOL!

My mom, Gwen and Jennifer studying Monet

Look a picture where I'm not the one holding the camera! That's rare!

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