I will go ahead and say that if you allow your 4 or 5 year old to watch shows where there are children or teenagers kissing each other and dating then you have only yourself to blame when they get in trouble in kindergarten for kissing someone at school or have a boy/girlfriend that they kiss. I am certain that starting these behaviors so young is causing some of the teen sex/pregnancy issues our culture is experiencing. I'm sure that was two sentences too much on that subject. Moving right along...
Now, last Christmas we were watching one of the seasonal movies on TV. I think it was called Santa Paws and before my eyes several children got down on their knees, put their hands together, and prayed... to SANTA!! For real?? As a christian I was completely mortified that my child was being shown that was OK. She WAS old enough to talk about it with me afterword and understand that it isn't OK to pray to anyone but God, thank goodness.
We watch a lot of PBS, Animal Planet and some TLC, but that's about it as far as cable TV. We watch everything else on Netflix. I do not want my child getting mixed signals about what is appropriate behavior and what is not. I can't be one of those parents that talks bad about a show but allows my child to watch it anyway because "all the other kids are watching it" or "He/She really wants to". I am the parent and she is the child. I am responsible for what I allow her to watch and how I allow her to act. I will not give my parental rights over to society.
Bravo! *Standing Ovation* It's so refreshing to know other parents that feel the same as I do. We are definitely in the minority but I'm proud to be and am glad your family is right there with us!!