Monday, June 23, 2014

Oldies but Goodies

There are days when I look around and realize that I am not in the mood for ANY of the books in my TBR (To Be Read) pile

Or the TBR 'bookshelf' on my kindle...

Or the one on my NOOK...

Or the one... Well, you get it. None of them look right.
Sometimes, like last week, the book I want to read is one I haven't bought yet. I am anxious to get City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Claire, but I am trying to have a little self control since it just came out and is still in hardcover. In cases like this I often have to fall back on an oldie, but goodie. This months comfort read is the Narnia series. 
People often ask me how I can read books over and over. I respond with a question,

How can you watch movies or shows over and over?

How can you hang out with the same friends over and over?

How can you go on the same amusement park rides over and over?

If you do any of these things then you really could understand me if you wanted to.

Ironically C.S. Lewis agrees with me!

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