Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Just a dream

Summer around here has a slightly different flavor then any of the other seasons. Many of our 'regulars' (Kids that come 10 months out of the year) are missing and our 'occasionals' are frequent and sometimes there are kids here for only a few weeks out of the whole year or one day a week for a couple of months. Really, it's just a little dizzying to tell you the truth. So, of course, our schedule suffers a bit. It gets tweaked and adjusted until it barely resembles our normal routine. 
It all turns out alright. I plan a loose theme that is very shallow but entertaining and flexible. I'll tell you what I would love, though. I would love to take a classic book like Tom Sawyer, Treasure Island or The Secret Garden and base our whole summer program around it. 
I would read them a few chapters a week. Plan appropriate games, crafts and field trips. Really delve into the time period and the culture and have fun with it. 
Weird, I know. It's just a dream. It's just the crazy homeschooler that I have become, mixing with the nerd I have always been and creating wackiness. 

It is also impossible. There is no way with kids here random days and hours to really get into any kind of thematic unit with any depth, but it's fun to think about. 

Maybe some day I will run a literary summer camp!! 

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