Monday, October 1, 2012

The Top 10 Of Homeschooling

OK. To kick off my return to regular posts here I thought I'd start with something easy and controversial. I warn you I am feeling extremely controversial today, so if you are feeling sensitive you might want to stop reading... Don't say you weren't properly warned!
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Keep in mind that the numbers mean nothing except that we all know how many there are.

Top 10 likes of homeschooling:

1) I LOVE my kid! I need a break every once in awhile just like everyone else, but teaching her is a JOY, not a job.

2) I get to see her face and share her excitement for every 'ah-ha!' moment and it's all the more sweet because I was beside her through the journey to understanding it.

3) If she's tired or just feeling a little under the weather I don't have to wake her up at 6am, shove food in her mouth and drag her to the bus. She can sleep till 7:30 and start her day refreshed.

4) We can race or crawl through learning. Whatever she needs. I don't need to hurry her through concepts she doesn't quite understand or make her slow down so the other 20 kids in the class can keep up.

5) I don't have to spend the first 2 weeks of school teaching her bus and school safety and how to not be or deal with a bully.

6) No school shootings AND she doesn't have to walk through a medal detector every morning.

7) The ability to only take a 4 week summer vacation so she doesn't forget too much and then she can get 2 weeks for Christmas and another 2 weeks for Easter and as many educational field trip days as we want!

8) Less concerns about what kinds of friends she is making and what kind of friend she is being in return.

9) History makes so much more sense now that I can relearn it (as I teach it) without the religious aspects of everything cut out. There are A LOT of major historical events that happened because of religious reasons!

10)I know what she is lacking in and what she is strong in. I can help build up her in the weaker areas and keep her moving forward in her stronger areas.

Top 10 dislikes of homeschooling:

1) Always being expected to defend my choices to ignorant and /or closed minded people. If you are THAT opposed to it, let's talk about something else!

2) Forcing myself to be organized

3) If I keep her out late or feed her lots of unhealthy food I still have to put up with her the next day. I can't just put her on the bus and pray for the teacher.

4) Some days are overwhelming. *Shrug* that's life though!

5) The things that I WANT, but don't NEED for our homeschooling are often expensive so we rarely get them.

6) I feel held back by working over 55 hours a week so that we're unable to join homeschooling groups... Again, *shrug* that's life!

7) ... ...

... ... ... ...

Um, I guess I only have 6 of those!

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