Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The Split-up Weekend

This past weekend was a big one for us! Gwen went in one direction and I went in another.

Gwen went camping in Hershey with my mom and dad. They did Boo At The Zoo and came home with all kinds of creepy facts about vampire bats.
She saw a black bear eating a pumpkin!
They also did Treat-or-treating among the campers and went to Chocolate World!

Meanwhile, I went to Washington D.C. to visit a friend. It was a loooonnngggg drive and metro ride trip by myself, but completely worth it! We always have a lot to talk about :) We visited the White House gardens which meant A LOT of standing in line for our time slot and then more standing in line to get through security.
We got up close and personal
saw the rose garden

and the veggie garden

The coolest part, though, was going to the International Spy Museum! My friend had already been into the main museum and said it was cool, but pricey. So we went right into their Operation Spy experience instead. We loved it! They have transformed the entire upstairs of the museum into an imaginary country to simulate a spy mission. So much fun :) it lasted almost an hour.

The website says there are some cool things for kids under 10yrs old in the museum, but the interactive missions are for ages 12+. I grabbed this from the website

I would love to post real pictures of it but there's no pictures allowed. Just trust me that it's a must see on your next D.C. trip, just beware the spy store... I could've spent a FORTUNE there!

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