Friday, January 6, 2012

Happy 200th Birthday!

I was recently enlightened to the fact that 2012 is Charles Dickens 200th birthday. Well... great, you say. But who cares?
I do :)

It just so happens, that I have never, in my life, ever, read ANY, not even one, of his books! I'm not usually one for classics... even though I have much of The Secret Garden memorized and can point out all the difference between the book and at least 3 of the movies.
Cover of a 1911 publication of The Secret Garden
Anyway, I am reading a booksneeze book right now called More Lost Than Found. So after I review that I am going to dig into some Dickens. I have a plan (sort of).

Oliver Twist
Great Expectations
David Copperfield
Penwick Papers
and A Christmas Carol

Hopefully it won't take me till Christmas to get to A Christmas Carol... but I've never taken on a challenge like this, so who knows! Maybe after that I'll try the Fellowship Of The Ring again... Maybe.

What are your reading challenges?

1 comment:

  1. *GASP* I'm almost in shock that a fellow bookworm such as yourself have never read a Charles Dickens book!! Better late than never! :-)
