Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Oh, Stress. We all have it in our lives. It comes from work, home, family, friends, holidays and even religion. Sometimes we are dealing with a lot and sometimes we are blessed with only a little. Some of us are happy-go-lucky and (almost) everything just rolls right off of us and some of us take it all in and analyze it and worry about it.
We all deal with it in different ways too: Yoga, music, exercise, sports, shopping, reading a lot, sleeping a lot, eating or not eating, talking or not talking. We never know how much stress a person has in their life unless we are with them at all times and can feel what they feel.
I hope you are all dealing with small, easily managed portions of stress right now. I seem to be overloaded at this time, so I apologize for my lack of consistent blogging... Past, present and future. Until I get my life under control I may be a little unpredictable.

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