Wednesday, April 3, 2013

A Line In The Sand

Have you ever been in the room with me when there is a discussion going on and suddenly realize that I have not said a word for 20 minutes or more? Ever wonder what I was thinking? I’ll tell you. I was thinking this:


I’m not a debater. I don’t enjoy a good argument. My opinions are almost always a little ‘out there’. Perhaps I was born in the wrong decade, because I would've made a great hippie.

I digress.

My point is that the ‘Don’t say a word’ mantra is playing in my head as I type and I am determinedly ignoring it. Don’t worry, I don’t ignore it often.

My silence has been disturbed by the recent equal marriage unrest. Seems like everyone has a strong opinion and it has led to some ugliness between friends and families. Well, I am not here to start a fight. I am here to express my opinion. If you have a different opinion; get your own blog and share it.

As a follower of the example Jesus set for me I refuse to throw stones. I am not going to beat anyone up for their opinions, actions, or lifestyle.

As a follower of the example Jesus set for me I will try to be an example of what I know to be right.

As a follower of the example Jesus set for me I will Love, cherish, hang out, walk, talk, and eat with you whether you are doing what I think you should or not.

As a follower or the example Jesus set for me I look into the past and around at the present and weep for Christians who are persecuted, those who were not and/or are not free to worship God.

As a follower of the example Jesus set for me I can therefore sympathize with people being mistreated for their beliefs and lifestyle.

Many people came to America  for religious freedom.

Wikipedia says: Freedom of religion or Freedom of belief is a principle that supports the freedom of an individual or community, in public or private, to manifest religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship, and observance; the concept is generally recognized also to include the freedom to change religion or not to follow any religion.[1] The freedom to leave or discontinue membership in a religion or religious group.

I am afraid. I fear that by beginning to be hardhearted and to mistreat a group of people as a government we take the first step towards becoming a nation of persecution and fear, because these things don’t happen overnight. They are gradual. It's a slope that can get steeper with every decision. Many people don't see what they are becoming until it is out of control.

Will we become just as bad as the countries our ancestors fled from? Will we become what we try so hard to prevent in other countries where my fellow Christians are being mistreated?

I fervently pray that we don’t. I believe now is the time to prevent it.

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