We have been to Japan
with Masako, Africa with Ki-Pat, Spain with Ferdinand, Boston with the
ducklings and to Paris with Madeline.
We have been to Droon with Eric, into the woods with Robert
Frost, Canada with Toklo and New York City with Chester the cricket.
Side by side we have battled snowstorms with Katy, ran a
circus with Olivia, chased bees to their tree with Mary Ellen, been chased by
Monsters with Jewel, and traveled the world in Santa’s sleigh with Felix.
Together we mastered the high wire with Mirette, been
adopted with Martha, escaped the Vikings with Jack & Annie, played with Danny’s
dinosaur, and misunderstood EVERYTHING with Amelia.
My daughter and I have built fairy houses and birds nests. We
have cleaned up litter and watched a turtle eat (It happens veeerrrry
Slllooowwlly). We have explored forests, wetlands, beaches and fields as a team.
These are experiences that will shape her life. Someday she
will think of me and get feelings of excitement, love, approval, and acceptance.
She may not remember every moment of every day she spends with me, but she
will have a great desire for adventure and knowledge. She will know that I loved
her enough to give her that, no matter how long it took us or where we ended up.
Love this post!