... in case you didn't know. If we hadn't lived in three different houses in the last nine years we would have quite a pet cemetery accumulated. Why do I keep getting animals that I know I will struggle with? Well, you see, my child LOVES ANIMALS.
She reads about them, watches them on TV, pet-sits, and dreams about them at night. She would love a house full of animals, and a backyard full too. So we try... and try... and try again.
It's been over a year since we lost Callie Cat, so I guess it's time to try again
Allow me to introduce Rosie

We know where Rosie came from and that she loves kids and that she's a sweetie. Of course, Gwen
and of course, I think she's adorable, but annoying when I'm trying to sleep, or walk, or type.
I have a really good feeling about this little lady and all signs point to us having found a third member of our little family.