Monday, August 13, 2012

Alone At The Zoo

Ok, well obviously we were not completely alone as in the only people there! It was, however, the first time in years that Gwen and I have gone to the zoo alone. We were with no other kids that I was responsible for and no other adults.
It was fun and not too crowded because there were massive rain/thunderstorms on their way in. We had to take Gwen's camera because mine finally died and I haven't replaced it... obviously we haven't set the date on her camera lately!

She was very excited to see the bears, because of that series of books we've been reading called Seekers by Erin Hunter about four bears on a long journey. Unfortunately, the bears were in no mood to entertain. We went back to check on them twice, but they were sleeping the whole time, and they were not the only ones...

There were plenty of animals out and about though.

The highlight of the trip was actually seeing the two new clouded leopard babies that were born a few months ago. They were hard to get a picture of. This is actually the clearest one we came home with!
They are laying on the platform with the mother.
This was the last picture we took. It's the river otters frolicking in the rain. Yes that's right, by this time we were standing out in a good steady rain and soon afterward we were walking back the the car in a downpour. The rain would not have been a big deal if not for my phone & kindle and Gwen's camera all getting wet right through the material of my purse.

Now I have one more thing I want to keep in my purse... a plastic bag to keep electronics dry when we go crazy and stay out in the rain! Maybe it will fit in my bandaid box...

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